Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bite-sized Reviews

Rebel Heart by Moira Young

Second in the Dust Lands series, this book is a lot less boy-friendly than Blood Red Road was.  A love triangle?  Really?  Even with less action and more reflection and guilt, an enjoyable read.  The story moves forward and I really want to know what happens next.

Origin by Jessica Khoury

An intriguing read, this stirs up some great discussion about how far is too far.  Should humans play God with life, and, if so, where should the line be drawn?  Is immortality really what we all desire?  The romance is secondary in this book, though it is sweet and important to the story.

 Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler

The story begins with the main character killing a nut-allergic boy by kissing him at a party.  But this is just a plot device to get the plot-a-palooza going.  Way too much going on in this book to really make any of it matter.  Kind of a train wreck, but you can (and probably should) look away.